
The LA Covenant

After ten years of School of Worship expansion and refining, a few
school leaders felt it would be helpful to get together and discuss
what should be the essential topics and values of the school. If we
could all agree, these could then be used to establish a unity of purpose
and a consistent curriculum for the school as it spreads over the globe.

A number of SOW leaders and staff met at the YWAM Los Angeles base in
February 2001 and set about the task of coming to agreement. After much
discussion and prayer we came to a consensus. We felt that a School of
Worship must cover these eight essential topics . . .

Heart: Character

A. Knowing God in Worship
(Topics: Passion for God, Intimacy with God, the nature & character of God.)

B. Character of the worshipper
(Topics: The character of the worship leader; servanthood, reality & openness in worship

C. Work of the Holy Spirit in worship
(Topics: The gifts & Work of the Holy Spirit, prophetic & being led by the Spirit)

Head: Knowledge

D. Biblical & Historical Basis of Worship
Topics: Praise & worship in the Bible, Biblical worship in the Old & New Testament, history of worship in the church and applying its lessons to today

E. Worship’s role in prayer & spiritual warfare
Topics: Intercession, spiritual warfare

F. Worship Leadership & Teamwork
Topics: Leadership development, teamwork, congregational worship, team leadership & dynamics, Band development

Hands: Skills

G. Worship creativity & musicianship
Topics: Creative expression, songwriting, musical understanding & skills

H. Worship in Mission & Evangelism
Topics: Multi-and cross-culture worship expression, worship in evangelism & mission, learning to teach worship, redeeming culture

In unity,“God commands a blessing” and we were definitely blessed as a sense of joy came over us. We felt something had been
transacted in the heavenlies which drew us together for this single purpose, to multiply worship in the nations.
Significant moves of God in gatherings of YWAM leaders have been documented in various covenant agreements and we felt we
would like to do the same, to voice together our unity of purpose in a spoken commitment before God and each other.
After working out the kind of statements we would like to make, we felt these four emerged:

We covenant together:
- to see all nations, tribes, peoples and languages come to worship the Lamb of God.
- to fulfill our calling and destiny to teach and lead the peoples into God's plans, promises and presence.
- to work together in unity and servanthood as SOW International family to see the values of the SOW preserved and
- to be a prophetic voice in the nations, seeking God for new ways in worship.

Each participant in the LA meeting took home a written copy of the covenant along with a piece of the world map we had divided up,
signifying our commitment to the nations.
A few years later at another SOW International Gathering, another sentence was agreed upon in response to the development of a set
of SOW outcomes:

- to make every effort as SOW staff to ensure desired outcomes are achieved in the areas of character, knowledge and skills.

Since 2001, at each SOW International Gathering, we have reaffirmed these commitments together, ensuring the SOW Family continues to carry out the God-given mandate to multiply worship in the nations.